PODCAST: E.U. and U.S. Migration Crises with Columnists Dr. Regula Stamphli and Patrik Eschemayer: Ep. 3

Columnists Patrik Etschmayer and Dr. Regula Stamphli of Switzerland’s News join host William Kern to discuss the seriousness of the migration crisis both in the United States and Europe, the danger of Nazi and neo-Nazi groups in Europe, the potential danger posed by Syrian migrants and the impact of immigration on the Republican presidential race.

We also discuss:
— What is the European sense of Donald Trump? ‘A rich, egotistical monster’
— Republican debate: ‘Like a beauty pageant without beauty’
— What about Trump’s criticism of the political system? ‘It’s ironic that a man who participated in rigging the system is now calling it out as being rigged.’
— What would a Trump presidency be like? ‘Total Mayhem’
— Who is responsible for Europe’s migration crisis? The US-UK toppling of Iran’s government in 1953 began the process
— Fears of migrants are overblown; ‘people fear change more than death’
— Neo-Nazis are a danger – and neo-Nazis live in areas the migrants are likely to settle.
— Anti-migrant laws are reminiscent of Nazi Germany
— Migration-related conspiracy theories

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William Kern, founder of www.worldmeets.us, is the inventor of trans-copyediting, a system for checking the accuracy of translated copy into multiple languages. Since 2005, managing a team of dedicated volunteer translators, Kern has edited, packaged and posted thousands of columns of news and opinion about America from publications around the world and from every major language, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, Hungarian and Farsi. From the height of the Iraq war to the annexation of Crimea right up to today, Kern and his team have provided intelligence to the American people by opening up a whole new media world.

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Key Words: Dr. Regula Stamphli, Patrik Eschemayer, William Kern, Migration, Syrian migrants, terrorism, neo-Nazis, The World Meets America Report, The Lara Croft of Political Science, Donald Trump, Germany, Merkel, Switzerland, France, 2016 US presidential election, Republican nomination

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